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Feet for stability

Feet for stability

Stability is key for walking safely with a prosthetic, at Beast Prosthetics we are able to offer you a wide range of feet which can help to increase your stability and help get you moving more.

If your activity level is relatively low and you would like a foot which is simple and lightweight we have a range of options available:

SACH (Solid Ankle Cushioned Heel) foot

The SACH foot is the simplest type of foot however it is the perfect solution for many amputees. There is no articulation however there is a soft heel which compresses when loaded during walking.

Single axis feet

Single axis feet allow up and downward motion of the ankle, this increases the stability at the knee joint as the foot comes into contact with ground quicker. A single axis foot enables the user to walk on uneven ground with more ease than with a SACH foot.

payment options

We offer free initial prosthetic assessments to those who intend to self fund their treatment or to those who wish to gain an estimate for costs so that they can apply for funding.

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We have extensive experience in collaborative working with other individuals and groups, if you would like to find out more information about the services we can provide for your client please contact us today by calling 0161 660 9282, emailing or by completing the following form.

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